In the Beginning

Welcome to my blog…..this has been a labor of love, for the most part, but not without a great deal of frustration as well. Who knew that starting a blog was so difficult?? Well, probably a lot of people! But I read a few online forums that referenced how to start a blog in 5 minutes and I’m here to tell you that such a thing might be possible if you were first a website designer or a personal friend of Penelope Garcia, but for the average person who just wants to start getting her thoughts down on digital paper, believe me when I tell you it will take you considerably longer than 5 minutes. However, it will be time well spent and I promise you that you will learn a lot. And if I had made better notes of my journey along the way, I would be happy to share more specifics with you, but since I didn’t and it actually took me several months from start to finish, you’ll just have to figure it out on your own, like I did. Slowly, painfully, in the evenings after work, and on rainy weekends. I will tell you that registering your domain and allowing to host your site would be a smart, economical decision. And (for the paid hosted site, rather than the free site) is also my recommendation, but there is a learning curve to both. Having said that, though, both sites have outstanding 24 hour support. When in my frustration I would finally email or open up a live chat, I always, always found quick and patient people to help me on to my next step. So, if you are at all like me and have been thinking forever of starting a blog, just jump right in. You won’t regret it. Well, you might, but do it anyway. Because you’ll regret NOT doing sooner once you finally get started and see your first post published. Even if no one but you reads it. So check out my “About” page, because that really should have been my first entry, since it gives you a little insight into what I hope to do with this blog. But I really didn’t know what I was doing when I put that entry there and I’m still learning as I go….I hope you will check back often. I hope to post at least weekly and I hope at least some of my posts will prove interesting to a variety of people. I hope some of my posts will be funny, some thoughtful, some insightful, and maybe some enraging because if you’re not at least occasionally pissing a few people off, well, you’re just not saying anything very deep or interesting, are you?